Yesterday was what I consider to be a pretty bad day. Nothing seemed to go the way it was supposed too. I was tired, the baby was overly fussy, I was worried about him, the house just did not seem to get organized no matter how hard I tried. Then to top it off I tried to make something new for dinner which almost burned the house down, ruined a tray of cookies and was not very nice to my husband (because of course he was the reason my day had gone bad...shakes head.....oh how immature I am). I spent the remainder of the evening fuming and thus had another rather sleepless night. Yes, all of that did happen in one day....shocking....but I am sure I am not the only one with a bad day here or there. So this morning I drag myself out of bed to make lunch for the hubby and kiss him goodbye still wearing the remnants of my bad attitude of the day before. I kept thinking selfish thoughts such as why did yesterday have to happen to me....why did I have to do this and deal with that.....and on and on went my pathetic mental soliloquy. So this morning I was eating breakfast and was scanning through my facebook page and I happened upon this tribute video a Mom made of her little girl. As I read the title I could literally feel the Lord push pause on my day......this tribute was of a little girl who lost her life in the Sandy Hook tragedy on Dec 14, year ago this weekend. I pushed play and watched how a family had been through one of the most difficult situations and how they had found peace and hope.
God pushed the pause button.....
As I watched this video, with teary eyes, I felt ashamed. Here I was complaining and in reality just being a really big pain in the rear end wishing that I did not have to deal with everything that was going on in my life. And then this family handling the worst possible circumstances and they are thankful....their not complaining, their thankful.
Sometimes God needs to push the pause button in our lives to help us understand that this life we live is not about us. It is not about me getting my own way or having a perfect day all the time. No, our lives need to be about Him. Everyday needs to be about how I can glorify Him and surrender myself.
This weekend as we continue our lives, finish (or begin) our Christmas shopping, enjoy moments with our families.....please take a moment and remember the families of Sandy Hook and lift them up in prayer.