Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New Beginnings and NO resolution. :)

As this New Year approached I began to consider what my resolution would be for the upcoming months. The normal resolutions are just not good enough anymore. Eating less, exercising, being more on time, etc, etc are usually put aside within a few weeks and then I feel like a failure. Being in the "pit of despair" (thanks Anne of green gables for that lovely phrase) at the beginning of the New Year is dismal at best and not how I want to start out. So I have gone back and forth. This New Year brings a lot of exciting prospects as well as its own set of challenges that every year so thoughtfully brings to us. I am so tired of putting such high expectations on myself. My husband very sweetly says to me often that I am my own worst enemy and as much as I hate to admit that he is right...well..he's right. I am a perfectionist. Not in every way, but in a lot of ways. In the past if I made a resolution and did not complete it one day or messed up I would quit. I would get angry that I was not good enough to begin with and would just throw in the towel. Then as years past I just would not do anything. I mean if you never try you never fail..right?
Well, if we never fail we never learn either....

So what does this mean for 2014? Well, I am different person in many ways this year. Manly because I am now a mother and what I do and how I do it is no longer about me, but about my son.

Never trying is not an option anymore.

Quiting because I do not feel good enough, or pretty enough, or spiritual enough is not an option anymore.

So for 2014............I WILL NOT MAKE A RESOLUTION!

But...I will try to exercise when I am not doing laundry, cleaning dishes, changing diapers, wiping tears and kissing boo boos.

I will try to eat better when I am thinking of what to make for breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family.

I will try to be more organized while juggling a baby, a marriage, a home, grad school and an enormous amount of other responsibilities.

I WILL make the time to spend time with the Lord. Because in all honesty nothing in my life will be accomplished with out Him.

All of these goals will have there ups and downs, but that is okay. Why? Because I am not setting myself these high expectations that cannot be fulfilled. But I can set goals that I can strive to accomplish all the while knowing that everyday is different and I am not sure what they will bring. But the Lord knows my abilities and my limitations. He knows how much I can handle and when my load is to heavy. So there it is. I guess you could say my resolution for 2014 is not to have a rock solid, have to get it done or I will die, unreachable resolution. I am looking forward to living life with my little boy, my husband, our family and friends in 2014. I am even looking forward to my failures and of course my success's. But most importantly I am so excited to see what the Lord will do this year. Honestly the New Year is more exciting to me then Christmas because it is always full of God's blessings and provision. I may not know what He will do with our family this year, but whatever is in store will be an amazing journey for my little family.

So Happy New Year everyone!! Enjoy the excitement of seeing what the Lord will do!

 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11